San Francisco Surgical Reopening Meeting

President Laurence Yee and Annette Bronstein re-initiated in-person meetings by organizing the July meeting at One Market in San Francisco. There was a strong turn-out with everyone excited to be meeting in person again.

New Officers were announced.

  • President: Andre Campbell, UCSF
  • Vice President: Harish Mhanty, CPMC
  • Councilor: Rita Kwan-Feinberg, East Bay, Private Practice

Applications for New Membership

It is time to solicit applications for membership in the Society.  If you wish to sponsor a candidate, please fill out the application found here. Applicants must have graduated from medical school at least 10 years ago.

The complete application should include:
1) The completed application.
2) The candidate’s CV.
3) A passport-sized picture of the applicant.
4) Two letters of support from members.

Forward entire application to Dr. Gosnell, c/o Annette Bronstein at the following address:    

SF Surgical Society 
c/o Annette Bronstein    
l79 Canterbury Avenue    
Daly City, CA  94015 

PLEASE NOTE:   Deadline for receipt of applications is now the end of May 2020    
Jessica E. Gosnell, M.D.

Society Bylaws Updated

At the November 11, 2020 meeting, the Society members voted to amend the San Francisco Surgical Constitution and Bylaws in recognition of the importance of increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion in our society.

The Society’s Mission was restated to emphasize that our members should reflect the “cultural, ethnic, and gender identities of the diverse population in the San Francisco Bay Area.”

The requirment that new members be 10-years out of medical school was replaced by the requirement that they be practicing as independent surgeons in the SF Bay Area.

Gender specific pronouns were replaced with non-gender specific pronoun.

The Bylaw updates are reflected here.

-Marc L. Melcher, MD

Dr. Laurence Yee becomes the new President of the San Francisco Surgical

Dr. Yee , Sutter Health, took over the office of President for the San Francisco Surgical.

President Laurence Yee

In addition, the other leadership positions have been filled with the following individuals.

Vice President: Insoo Suh, UCSF

Secretary-Treasurer:  Jessica E. Gosnell

New and current Councillors include:

Venita Chandra, M.D.

Samuel C. Schecter,M.D

Stephanie C. Lin, M.D

Kenneth C. Loh, M.D.



Entrenched Injustices

Dear Members,

To say we are living in troubling times would be misleading and an understatement.  A veneer has been ripped off by the availability of cell phone videos revealing the killings of black men and the disparate impact of COVID-19 on communities around the country. The veneer, for many of us, had covered a raging river of abuse, killing, and disenfranchisement of too many of our fellow Americans.

As we watch in horror at events around the country, questions we might ask ourselves are “What is going on? What are we missing? What can we do? How can we support each other?”  While we all feel a deep sense of sadness, anger, and dismay, many of us, even as we try to, cannot appreciate the frustration, anger, resentment, and hopelessness being felt by our fellows Americans who are black.

Here are three thought-provoking viewpoints recently shared with me.

From Twitter, @CarlosHappyNPO wrote:

“There’s one epidemic we may never find a vaccine for: fear of black men in public spaces.” By John Blake, CNN.

From Facebook:

Atlanta E.R. doctor and fellow comedian Dr. Anwar Osborne made this video for the residents at his hospital, and sent it to me. Stunning, although maybe the fact that I find it so stunning is part of the problem.

Posted by Craig Miller on Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Our Society Constitution approved over 80 years ago, states, “The objectives of the Society are the cultivation and improvement of the Science and Art of Surgery and, to this end, the exchange of ideas and counsel amongst the Fellows for their mutual advantage.” Frank discussions about race within the San Francisco Surgical Society fall within these objectives.

I am reaching out to you for your help.  What can our Society do to address and fight systemic racism?  What should we do to be more inclusive? What can we do to support diversity, inclusivity, and equality? What can we do to support our Black colleagues better? What can we do as individuals?

I am soliciting your suggestions.  I need your suggestions.  Let us challenge ourselves to think more deeply about these issues.

I look forward to your input.  In the meanwhile, please reach out and support one and another. 


Marc L. Melcher

President, San Francisco Surgical Society