COVID-19 Update: The Backstory and Protecting the Healthcare Workers May 6th
Zoom MeetingCOVID-19 Update
September Meeting – Panel Discussion on Future of the Society
Some of the challenges facing our country are intertwined with challenges faced by the Society and its members... from the impact of COVID on our patients, our families, and our interaction to the profound sadness and anger we feel as we see the consequences of ongoing racism and disenfranchisement in our society-at-large. Others are specific […]
November 2020 Meeting – FIRE, DISEASE, PESTILENCE, AND CRIME – One Surgeon’s View
Zoom MeetingFIRE, DISEASE, PESTILENCE, AND CRIME One Surgeon's View James M. Betts, M.D., FACS, FAAP UCSF Pediatric Surgeon […]
San Francisco Surgical Member Meeting February 2021
Zoom MeetingOur guest speaker will be: Ula Taylor, Ph.D. Professor and Chair of African American Studies at UC Berkeley 1960 Chair of Undergraduate Education Department of African American Studies The title of Dr.Taylor's talk will be: "How Michelle Obama became a Magazine Covergirl"
July Re-opening Dinner
President Yee invites members to the Re-opening Dinner on July 14, 2021. RSVP with Annette. All members should have received an e-mail with details as to the location.
March 2022 Dinner – in person.
Family Club 545 Powell Street, San Francisco, CA, United States"TRACK-TBI: A 10-Year Journey to Transform Research and Clinical Knowledge in Traumatic Brain Injury"
September 2022 Meeting: William “Bill” Scott Chief of Police, San Francisco
Family Club 545 Powell Street, San Francisco, CA, United StatesWe will hold our September meeting at the Family Club on September 28, 2022. Will "Bill" Scott will be our honored guest. He is the Chief of Police for San Francisco. Please RSVP to Annette Bronstein's email.
June 2023 Meeting
Family Club 545 Powell Street, San Francisco, CA, United StatesHelen Struck is an attorney at the Habeas Corpus Resource Center, a state agency that represents indigent men and women under sentence of death in California. She will be speaking to the SF Surgical membership about California's death penalty system, addressing the challenges presented by representing indigent persons in their capital post-conviction proceedings.
October 2023 Meeting
Family Club 545 Powell Street, San Francisco, CA, United StatesOur outgoing President Kristan Staudenmayer and President-Elect Harish Mahanty invite all SF Surgical members to attend. In lieu of an invited speaker, they will be moderating a discussion on planning for the upcoming year as well as the future of the organization,
February Meeting-Dr. LYGIA STEWART
South Beach Yacht Club 899 2nd Street, San Francisco, CA, United StatesSPEAKER: Lygia Stewart Dr. Lygia Stewart, Chief of Surgery at the San Francisco Veterans Affairs, will be giving a talk on: Cognitive Psychology and Visual Perception as it Relates to Surgical Complications and the Training of Residents and Fellows. Our February meeting will also be New Member Recruitment Night. Please invite a leader in surgery […]